Tambov state university named after GR Derzhavin
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Проскурнич, О. Д. Стоматологический английский: учебное пособие: в 2 частях / О. Д. Проскурнич; Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г. Р. Державина. — Тамбов: Издательский дом "Державинский", 2024.
Ч. 1, 2024 — 1 файл (5,86 Мб) — <URL:https://elibrary.tsutmb.ru/dl/docs/elib1779.pdf>.

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Table of Contents

  • Unit 1. Nice to meet you, Doc!
  • Unit 2. Introduction to dentistry
  • Unit 3. Oral cavity structure
  • Unit 4. Professional dental instruments
  • Units 1-4: revise & check
  • Unit 5. Personal protective equipment
  • Unit 6. Restorative dentistry: fillings
  • Unit 7. Periodontology
  • Unit 8. Prosthodontics
  • Units 5-8: revise & check
  • Appendix A (reference) Table of irregular verbs with translation
  • Appendix B (reference) Glossary
  • Reference list
  • Учебник
    • BTW How to address a doctor?
    • Choose Dr. when speaking or when addressing a medical doctor in a social letter. Always make sure you spell the recipient's name properly.
    • Personal information.
    • 3. Listen 1.1 and read the conversation between the receptionist and the patient [1]. Practice it with your partner. Then make up the same conversation using your personal information.
    • R Good morning! Welcome to our clinic «Just Smile»! How can I help you?
    • P Hello, please, I have an appointment at 10 o’clock.
    • R Sure, just a minute. What's your surname?
    • P Belikova.
    • R How do you spell that?
    • P B-E-L-I-K-O-V-A.
    • R And what’s your name?
    • P My name’s Elena.
    • R Can I see your medical insurance policy?
    • P Sure. Here you are!
    • R Thank you. Can you sign here, please?
    • You have an appointment with Dr. Basharov. Room number 308.
    • P Sorry, can you repeat it, please?
    • R Certainly! It’s room number 308. Right beside the lift.
    • P Thank you very much!
    • R You’re welcome!
    • Grammar spot 1.1 - to be (am/is/are).
    • Look at the table 2.
    • Table 2
    • a) You ______ very well.
    • b) The patient ______ early.
    • c) They ______ dentists.
    • d) Today ______ Wednesday.
    • e) I ______ sorry.
    • f) It ______ a private clinic.
    • g) You ______ in room 402.
    • h) She ______ a student at medical university.
    • j) The doctor ______ late.
    • 5. Make questions and short answers.
    • a) /you Dr. Basharov?
    • (+) _________________________________________________________
    • b) / I in room 103?
    • (-) __________________________________________________________
    • c) / it a dental clinic?
    • (+) _________________________________________________________
    • d) / they medical students?
    • (+) _________________________________________________________
    • e) / you Mike Belov?
    • (-) __________________________________________________________
    • 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
    • a) The toilet _______ (be) outside on your left.
    • b) What _______ (be) your date of birth, please?
    • c) Your medical insurance number _______ (be) ADK-334512.
    • d) _______ (be) there anything else you need?
    • f) I _______ (be not) allergic to lidocaine.
    • Reading.
    • 7. Read the text about the first signs of dental problems. Fill in the gaps with a suitable title for each paragraph.
    • a) It has been a while since your last exam.
    • b) You are missing one or more teeth.
    • c) You feel a tingling sensation when you eat sweet food or brush your teeth.
    • d) You have a constant bad taste in your mouth.
    • e) You have cosmetic dentistry question.
    • f) You have pain in your mouth.
    • g) Your teeth are discolored.
    • Seven signs it’s time to see your dentist.
      • 1.
      • 2. ______________________________________________________
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • Cavities don’t always cause pain right away. An early indication that you have a cavity may be sensitivity to temperature or sweet food.
      • If you feel a tingling sensation when eating sweet food or brushing your teeth, see a dentist, because it could be an indication of a cavity.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • Tooth loss can happen for many reasons and is not necessarily a result of poor oral hygiene. Regardless of the reason, missing teeth should be replaced to preserve your oral health.
      • Your dentist can talk to you about tooth replacement options such as implants, bridges, or even dentures.
      • 7.
    • 8. Work with a partner. Match the words in italics in the text to definition
    • 1-10 (look at the table 3) [3, 4].
    • Table 3
    • 9. Make up 10 descriptive sentences using the words in italics from the text, see the example (see the table 4):
    • a) Good oral hygiene is especially important for people wearing braces.
    • Grammar spot 1.2 - types of pronouns.
    • Table 4
    • 11. Listen 2.1 and read the conversation between the receptionist and the patient [1]. Fill in the gaps. Practice it with your partner.
    • P Good afternoon! Is this WhiteClinic?
    • R Good afternoon, madam. Yes, it is. How can I help you?
    • P I have your advert leaflet from the mall. Can you give me more detailed information about your ____________?
    • R Of course. Our clinic is one of the best in the city. We only have highly qualified ____________.
    • P Perfect. Is orthodontics available?
    • R Of course, we have two orthodontists. Dr. Belinskiy is 10 years experienced, and Dr. Ahmatova is just 3 years experienced, but her reviews are ____________ only.
    • P How much is the appointment with Dr. Belinskiy?
    • R First check-up at narrow ____________ is always free. But you need to see our dental therapist to get a referral.
    • P Ok. Is it also for ____________?
    • R Not really. But the charge is only 500 rubles and then the orthodontist’s checkup is at no charge.
    • P Thank you. And is it possible to see specialist in ____________ dentistry too?
    • R Unfortunately, for now this doctor is on holidays. But I can recommend you to make an appointment in ____________ days.
    • P No, thank you. The orthodontist is more important for me now.
    • R No problem, is ____________ at 10 in the morning good for you?
    • P It’s great.
    • R Can I have you name and your telephone number?
    • P Rita Kora. It’s K, O, R, A. Phone number is +____________.
    • R Thank you. We hope to see you.
    • P Thank you. And one more question: is it possible to get discount if I have your leaflet?
    • R Certainly. 10% discount is available for all types of ____________.
    • P Thank you very much! Good bye.
    • R Good bye. Have a nice day.
    • Vocabulary.
    • Reading.
    • Writing.
      • Amalgam (silver) fillings.
      • Dental resin composite fillings.
      • Ceramic fillings.
      • Glass ionomer fillings.
      • Gold fillings.
      • Symptoms of gum disease:
      • Comprehensive periodontal evaluation checklist.
      • History of implants.
        • Parts of an essay.
      • How Does a Dental Post Work?
  • Проскурнич
    • Unit 1. Nice to meet you, Doc!
    • Unit 2. Introduction to dentistry
    • Unit 3. Oral cavity structure
    • Unit 4. Professional dental instruments
    • Units 1-4: revise & check
    • Unit 5. Personal protective equipment
    • Unit 6. Restorative dentistry: fillings
    • Unit 7. Periodontology
    • Unit 8. Prosthodontics
    • Units 5-8: revise & check
    • Appendix A (reference) Table of irregular verbs with translation
    • Appendix B (reference) Glossary
    • Reference list

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